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UK Government launches major review into autonomous car driving laws

Hugo Griffiths 2018-03-06 10:44

Three-year investigation by Law Commission to: “examine any legal obstacles to the widespread introduction of self-driving vehicles”

Jaguar Land Rover autonomous testing - static

Driving rules in the UK are set for a major shake up after the Government announced the launch of a three-year investigation into current motoring laws, in preparation for the arrival of autonomous cars.

The research will be conducted by the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission, and led by TRL (Transport Research Laboratory). It will investigate how “current driving laws can support the next generation of vehicles.”

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Subjects to be investigated include who will be classed as the “driver” of or responsible person for an autonomous car, and how to allocate criminal and civil responsibility in the event of an incident where elements of “shared responsibility” between a car and driver exist.

Other areas being investigated include whether new criminal offences are required to legislate for autonomous cars, as well as “novel types of conduct and interference” – which could include rules to prevent potential hacking incidents of autonomous cars.

Potential risks to other road users will also be assessed, together with how autonomous vehicles will integrate with future on-demand driving services, existing transport networks and new business models.

Announcing the review, Roads Minister Jesse Norman said: “The UK is a world leader for self-driving vehicle research and development, and this work marks an important milestone in our continued commitment to the technology.

“With driving technology advancing at an unprecedented rate, it is important that our laws and regulations keep pace so that the UK can remain one of the world leaders in this field.”

Law Commissioner Nicholas Paines QC commented that: “British roads are already among the safest in the world and automated vehicles have the potential to make them even safer. Provided our laws are ready for them.

“We’ll now start consulting widely on how the law should work with this new technology and develop reforms which enable the use of self-driving vehicles in the years to come.”

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