Volvo has confirmed its intention to unveil the all-new S60 saloon on 20 June by posting a quick teaser video on social media. The film, which also hints towards a sportier Polestar-tuned variant, appeared on Facebook and Twitter with the words: “It’s all in the details. Meet the Polestar Engineered #newS60 on 20.06.18.”
In another post, Volvo confirmed the Polestar variant would be electrified: “Volvo Cars presents its new upgraded #electrification performance offer called Polestar Engineered. Available with the #newS60 that will be revealed next week”
The reveal of the S60 comes just months after the more practical V60 was unveiled in Sweden. The BMW 3 Series and Audi A4 saloon rival will go on sale early next year, with a broad range of petrol and hybrid powertrains. There will be no diesel variant.
While the short Polestar teaser film doesn’t reveal the car in full, we are able to pick out a few clear details. It looks like the new S60 will gain the family face from its V60 and XC60 siblings, with the recognisable ‘Thor’s Hammer’ headlights, wide grille and diagonal badge.
Little else has been confirmed, although we can safely assume it’ll be shorter and lower than the Audi A6-rivalling S90 saloon. We’ll likely see an adaptation of that car’s divisive C-shaped rear lights, while the interior and cockpit is expected to be carried over from the V60 estate. That means a large portrait-style touchscreen and fully-digital dials.
As we confirmed in May, Volvo is set to ditch diesel completely with the new S60. It’ll be the brand’s first model to launch only with petrol and hybrid power. We expect the car to launch with T3, T4 and T5 petrol versions, as well as a T8 plug-in hybrid. The Polestar car will used a tuned T8 powertrain with upwards of 400bhp.
While prices and specs will be revealed closer to the car’s 2019 on-sale date, it is likely to undercut the more spacious V60 estate. With prices for the V60 starting at £31,810, the saloon should cost a smidgen under £30k. Check back on 20 June, when have all the details and pictures live from the S60 reveal event.
Read our in-depth review of the new Volvo V60 estate right here...
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