Nissan Leaf will launch in India in its second generation avatar. It is powered by a 40Kwh lithium-Ion battery pack which delivers its power through an EM57 electric motor that belts out 110Kw (148 BHP) of power. The 2018 Leaf will retail in India as a CBU. Nissan not aiming at large sales numbers.
The 2018 Nissan Leaf is expected to make its debut in India soon. A report published in a leading automotive publication states that the 2018 iteration of the world’s largest selling electric vehicle will reach Indian shores by the end of this year. The model which will launch in India is Leaf’s second-generation iteration. Though the Japanese automaker sells a large number of this vehicle internationally, for India, its hopes are not that high. In the initial stage, the Leaf will retail in India as a CBU (Completely Built Unit). This will result in high import taxes and hence a price tag which is close to the mark of INR 40 to 50 lakh.
Instead of clocking big sales numbers for Nissan, the leaf will help the automaker build its brand image. In addition to this, it will also help Nissan understand the market response for electric vehicles in India. Which the automaker plans to use in the development of a low-cost EV for developing markets like India.
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The 2018 iteration of the Nissan Leaf packs in an EM57 Lithium-Ion battery. This battery pack has a capacity of 40Kwh. It is connected to an electric motor which has a power output of about 110Kw. Which is equal to approximately 148BHP and 320 Nm. The previous generation of the Leaf had a 30kwh battery pack. Furthermore, the current version of this electric car promises a range of 400km (according to Chinese driving cycle). This is up by almost 280 Km in comparison to the older version.
In addition to this, one can charge this car up to 80 per cent in just 40 minutes using a power charger. However, using a 3 KW charger will take 16 hours and using a 6 kW charger will take just 6 hours to fully charge this vehicle.
The 2018 Nissan Leaf is no slouch when it comes to onboard features. Apart from the standard equipment list which includes automatic climate control and a touchscreen infotainment system, the Lead features a plethora of next-gen creature comforts. For instance, this electric hatchback comes with a number of smart driver aids. These include ePilot, ProPilot and ProPilot park.
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In terms of design, the Nissan Leaf looks very futuristic. take for instance its sharp nose, angular side profile and a unique rear fascia. it comes with all LED lights which further add a bit a character to this electric car’s persona. From inside, the Leaf is as practical as any modern day car. As mentioned before, the Leaf will be priced at a premium price in India. Its primary competition will be the Toyota Prius.
The post Nissan Leaf Electric Car India launch Likely By End Of 2018- Report appeared first on CarBlogIndia.
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