The new Mahindra Thar has been a huge hit among off-roading enthusiasts across the country. In its second generation now, the Thar comes across as a substantial upgrade over its previous version. It’s not only plusher and more powerful than before but it’s even a better off-raider. The highly proven 4×4 mechanicals, high ground clearance, high approach and departure angles and the electronic aids together enable this SUV to go anywhere, well, almost. We have already seen many videos of the second-gen Thar taking on some really challenging terrains and today, what we have with us is another video wherein the SUV is seen crossing a river in what seems to be claimed as Kohlapur.
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Interestingly, closer observation reveals that the new Mahindra Thar that has been captured crossing the river has a Punjab registration but there isn’t any way to ensure if this video was shot in Punjab or Maharashtra or somewhere else. What’s clearly visible, however, is the bonnet-deep water through which this SUV has made its way to the other shore. The Thar comes equipped with a robust 4×4 mechanism as standard and even gets a low transfer case and a mechanical locking rear differential.
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At the start of this short video clip, you can see a black-coloured Mahindra Thar entering the river with a huge splash. Next, it starts driving towards the other shore. Clearly, the tide is against the direction in which the Thar is travelling but the SUV continues to make progress towards the shore. There are instances where it looks like the Thar almost gets stuck but the SUV finally makes it to the other end. While it does look like a fun activity to cross a river in a capable SUV, we feel it should be avoided irrespective of how capable your car is. While it’s easy to check the depth of the water towards the shore, it’s actually next to impossible to ascertain the depth of the river towards the middle.
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Also, the speed of the water flow already looks quite high and as seen in the video, the new Mahindra Thar has almost struggled to grip the river bed and move forward towards the shore. Getting stuck in the middle would have easily spelt disastrous for the driver and the occupants. Even the mechanicals, especially the engine, can suffer from permanent damage from the water.
Also read: What Is Your Take On “Barbie Edition” Thar?
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The post New Mahindra Thar Easily Crosses River But Should You Do It? [VIDEO] appeared first on Car Blog India.
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